Where Have We Been?

Featured image above by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

If the old saying “time flies when you’re having fun” is true, then we’ve been having a blast this summer.  It’s been 4 months since my last blog post. 4 months! All of the articles I’ve been reading about how to create a successful blog and web presence stress the importance of publishing on a regular, predictable basis, so your readers know what to expect.  Three times a year is not “regular”, so I should explain.  

So where have we been and what have we been doing?  If we had written about most of what we’ve done, the blog would have to be renamed “The Gardener and The Carpenter”.

When we moved to Second Act Farm seven (yes, seven!) years ago, we had the idea that we’d grow things, raise some animals and write about it all.  What we found out was that we could grow things and raise animals OR we could blog. We didn’t have enough time or energy to do both. The same thing happened this summer.

Mary has been working hard on our landscaping and flower beds for the last couple of years, since she retired from actively growing produce for sale.  Every year the mulching, weeding and pruning takes more time, but the results are evermore fantastic.

The vegetable garden is a disappointment this year.  We had too much rain this spring and lost almost everything that she planted – potatoes, squash, melons and green beans – to wet soil and more rain. We are getting a few tomatoes, but nothing like earlier years. 

Our custom built dog bath.

I’ve done a series of DIY projects.  We now have what is, I think, one of the only custom-built dog baths in Southern Indiana… 

…but I don’t think Beans appreciates all the effort it took.

I built a platform for the washer and dryer to sit on. (Hell, no, I’m not paying $350 each for fancy “pedestals”!)  And I’ve almost finished all the little bits of trim that will complete our six year remodeling project. 

The old outhouse at Second Act Farm.

Oh, and we finally tore down what was probably one of the last standing outhouses in Bartholomew County.

In the middle of all of that, we did a road trip across North Carolina and visited a couple great restaurants.  More on those shortly – and, I promise, it won’t take 4 months!

We’ll see you again soon.


Where have you been this summer? Anywhere fun? Tell us a story in the comments below.


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2 thoughts on “Where Have We Been?”

  1. Glad you’re back to blogging! Love reading about your food adventures. That custom built dog bath is really something cool! And I honestly laughed out loud when I read about you not paying $350 for pedestals for the laundry. We just had that same conversation with an appliance salesman.

    • We actually laughed about the pedestals for years, wondering why anyone couldn’t just bend at the waist to retrieve their laundry. I guess now the joke’s on us. (Still glad I didn’t pay $700 for two of them!)


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