How much or how little to pack for a trip can be a contentious topic for spouses and partners preparing to travel. If you’re a “three suitcase girl” traveling with a “just a backpack guy” (or vice versa), you will likely find yourself at odds at some point.
We’re not here to offer relationship advice, but we do have some suggestions on how to pack efficiently so you have just the right amount of stuff for an enjoyable journey.
Make a packing checklist
Having a pre-written checklist of things to make sure we pack (sunscreen, phone chargers, washcloths, corkscrew) has made getting ready for a trip much less stressful – and keeps Mike on task…sort of.
We add something to the list after every trip.
Want a copy of Mike’s list? Click on the image.
Bring sturdy shoes
If you’re coming to Portugal or most anyplace else in Europe, pack a good pair of walking shoes so you can confidently navigate on uneven pavement and cobblestones.
High heels? Fuggedaboutit!
Leave half your clothes at home
Unless you have a job interview, a wedding to attend, or an audience with the Pope, don’t worry about having a new outfit every day. Nobody really cares what you look like. As long as you don’t stink, wear those pants for 3 or 4 days.
And when necessary, you can wash almost anything in a hotel sink or bidet with a dash of bath gel or shampoo.
If we can do it, you can, too!
It’s taken us many years to get to the place where we can do a two week trip with just a carry on suitcase and a “personal item” – Mike’s big backpack and Mary’s big purse. But we’ve managed to do it. We know you can, too!
And if you’re a committed “travel light” person, share some tips with us!
Until next time / Até a próxima vez
Mary and Mike
The Cook and The Writer
What’s your favorite “packing hack”? Share your secrets for squeezing more into your bags in the comments below or via the Contact Us form.