I hope I can remember this moment.
It is a sunny, warm Tuesday afternoon. I’m sitting in a café on Av. da Igreja in Alvalade, sipping a glass of red wine and watching pedestrians and traffic go by outside.
It seems like an old man thing to do.
I might be the only person in here without a cell phone. Mine is in a shop up the street, getting a new battery, and I’m passing the time, waiting for it to be ready.
The trees along the avenue have bright green leaves that soften the sunshine. There is conversation and laughter around me.
Another old man sits outside, on the opposite side of a window. He is enjoying doing nothing, too, I imagine. He has long grey hair, a tweed cap, a cane, and a permanent smile.
When it’s time to leave, I ask for the check. My glass of wine is €1.40. I give the server a €2 coin and leave. We’re both happy.
Questions? Suggestions?
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White Rabbit photo by Victor Larracuente on Unsplash