Chasing White Rabbits

In the lower right corner of my laptop, where my hand rests when I’m not using the external keyboard, is a shiny sticker I bought in a craft shop in Asheville, North Carolina. It’s a drawing of one of my favorite characters in literature – the White Rabbit from Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland.*

I put him there originally as a reminder to myself to avoid getting distracted – to avoid chasing White Rabbits.

But over time I’ve realized how much fun it is to “go down the rabbit hole” after some elusive fact or idea.

Sometimes those chases have led to lengthy additions to our blog posts, like the biographies of sailors in our post about The Monument To The Discoveries. No one has commented or complained about these, except my chief editor – The Cook. But I know they’re often there because something caught my interest and I had to pursue it.

Mike's laptop with the White Rabbit sticker at the lower right.

A while back I decided that I wanted a place to put bits like that. Things that didn’t fit in our regular posts about food and travel. A place off to the side that didn’t demand much attention. A place to put the pieces that satisfied my curiosity and that maybe only I read.

A place where I could corral the White Rabbits.

So I created this new section, The Rabbit Hole. It was a bit of a project that gave me the opportunity to learn some new things about building web sites with WordPress. Someday maybe I’ll have a marketable skill in that area.

I don’t have any specific plan about what sorts of material I’ll post in here. It will mostly depend on which White Rabbits run across my path. But I’ve got some fiction pieces that might find a home here. Maybe a political topic or two. And occasionally, like this week, some additional details about a topic covered in a regular blog post.

I’m also not going to call attention to new items, unless they are directly tied to a blog post. I’ll put a widget in the sidebar with a list of new stuff. And if you see something of interest, you’re welcome to read it and comment.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a bunny I need to chase.


* This link is direct to At the time of this writing (August, 2023), we receive no affiliate payment if you buy a copy. If that changes in the future, we’ll let you know.

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