Time to get off the fence
The image above shows an American flag hung upside down to signal dire distress by employees at Yosemite National Park on 22 Feb 2025. Image credit: Joyce Vance on Substack. …
Two Avid Eaters Exploring the World
Renamed from “Uncategorized” – 8/13/18
The image above shows an American flag hung upside down to signal dire distress by employees at Yosemite National Park on 22 Feb 2025. Image credit: Joyce Vance on Substack. …
Mike had a lengthy dispute with a local hospital. Then he filed a complaint through the Livro de Reclamações – the online complaints book.
Our trip to Morocco what unexpectedly cut short, but we still were able to visit several fascinating cities. Here’s some of what we saw.
We started out to have lunch at a quiosque, but found it was closed. Good fortune led us to Coyo Taco, where we had a delightful meal.
Mary has the writer’s chair this week. She has a story to tell about a French / Peruvian / Spanish word that brought her great joy.
We visited 10 quiosques (kiosks) in a week to sample the food and drinks you can find everywhere on the streets of Lisbon.
We did what? When we published our last post about the crazy delicious Malasadas, we reached a major milestone: That was our 100th post. (It was actually number 101, but …
We made a few changes to the site this month. Here are the details.